The death of pregnant women in 2012 showed that of 100,000 live births in Indonesia, 305 of them ended in the death of the mother. The research entitled "Developing Expert System "Kasih Ibu" By Implementing the Simple Additive Weighting Method in the Health Module for Pregnant Women", has the formulation of the problem of how to help the government suppress the MMR (maternal mortality rate) in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to develop an application of an expert system that can help pregnant women treat pregnancy content and determine pregnancy disorders that occur during pregnancy and assist the government in suppressing MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate). This study uses a parallel modeling software method, and the data source used is primary data from an obstetrician or pregnancy expert and secondary data from a health journal related to the issue of pregnant women. Data were analyzed using a matrix and rule base to facilitate the implementation of the data into an expert system created. The calculation method used is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method which is implemented in the health module of pregnant women. Based on manual calculations and on the application system a valid conclusion is obtained from an expert.